Custom methods

Rules for AIP-136, covering custom methods.

Rule name Description
http-body Custom methods must have the HTTP body set to `*`.
http-method Custom methods must use the POST or GET HTTP verb.
http-name-variable Custom methods should only use `name` if the RPC noun matches the resource.
http-parent-variable Custom methods should only use `parent` if the RPC noun matches the resource.
http-uri-suffix Custom methods should have a correct URI suffix.
prepositions Custom methods must not include prepositions in their names.
request-message-name Custom methods must have standardized request message names.
response-message-name Custom methods must have standardized response message names.
standard-methods-only Declarative-friendly resources should eschew custom methods.
verb-noun Custom methods should be named with the verb, then the noun.

Note: Because AIPs sometimes cover topics that have some overlap, some rules related to custom methods may be included in the rules for other AIPs.