
Rules for AIP-158, covering pagination.

Rule name Description
request-page-size-field Paginated RPCs must have a `page_size` field in the request.
request-page-token-field Paginated RPCs must have a `page_token` field in the request.
request-skip-field Paginated RPC `skip` fields must have type `int32`.
response-next-page-token-field Paginated RPCs must have a `next_page_token` field in the response.
response-plural-first-field First field of Paginated RPCs' response should be plural.
response-repeated-first-field First field (by both position and field number) of Paginated RPCs' response should be repeated.
response-unary Paginated responses must not use streaming.

Note: Because AIPs sometimes cover topics that have some overlap, some rules related to pagination may be included in the rules for other AIPs.