Undelete methods: Response message

This rule enforces that all Undelete RPCs have a response message of the resource, as mandated in AIP-164.


This rule looks at any message beginning with Undelete, and complains if the name of the corresponding output message does not match the name of the RPC with the prefix Undelete removed.

It also permits a response of google.longrunning.Operation; in this case, it checks the response_type in the google.longrunning.operation_info annotation and ensures that it corresponds to the name of the RPC with the prefix Undelete removed.



Incorrect code for this rule:

// Incorrect.
// Should be `Book`.
rpc UndeleteBook(UndeleteBookRequest) returns (UndeleteBookResponse) {
  option (google.api.http) = {
    post: "/v1/{name=publishers/*/books/*}:undelete"
    body: "*"

Correct code for this rule:

// Correct.
rpc UndeleteBook(UndeleteBookRequest) returns (Book) {
  option (google.api.http) = {
    post: "/v1/{name=publishers/*/books/*}:undelete"
    body: "*"

Long-running operation

Incorrect code for this rule:

// Incorrect.
rpc UndeleteBook(UndeleteBookRequest) returns (google.longrunning.Operation) {
  option (google.api.http) = {
    post: "/v1/{name=publishers/*/books/*}:undelete"
    body: "*"
  option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = {
    // Should be "Book".
    response_type: "UndeleteBookResponse"
    metadata_type: "UndeleteBookMetadata"

Correct code for this rule:

// Correct.
rpc UndeleteBook(UndeleteBookRequest) returns (google.longrunning.Operation) {
  option (google.api.http) = {
    post: "/v1/{name=publishers/*/books/*}:undelete"
    body: "*"
  option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = {
    response_type: "Book"
    metadata_type: "UndeleteBookMetadata"


If you need to violate this rule, use a leading comment above the method. Remember to also include an aip.dev/not-precedent comment explaining why.

// (-- api-linter: core::0164::response-message-name=disabled
//     aip.dev/not-precedent: We need to do this because reasons. --)
rpc UndeleteBook(UndeleteBookRequest) returns (UndeleteBookResponse) {
  option (google.api.http) = {
    post: "/v1/{name=publishers/*/books/*}:undelete"
    body: "*"

If you need to violate this rule for an entire file, place the comment at the top of the file.