File option consistency

This rule enforces that every proto file for a public API surface sets file packaging options consistently, as mandated in AIP-191.


This rule looks at each proto file, and reads any files that it imports that are in the same proto package. It iterates over the file packaging options in each one and complains if they are inconsistent.

The following annotations are included:

  • csharp_namespace
  • go_package
  • java_multiple_files
  • java_package
  • php_class_prefix
  • php_metadata_namespace
  • php_namespace
  • objc_class_prefix
  • ruby_package
  • swift_prefix


Incorrect code for this rule:

In foo.proto:

// Incorrect.
syntax = "proto3";

package google.example.v1;

option csharp_namespace = "Google\\Example\\V1";
option ruby_namespace = "Google::Example::V1";

In bar.proto:

// Incorrect.
syntax = "proto3";

package google.example.v1;

import "foo.proto";

option csharp_namespace = "Example\\V1";  // Inconsistent.
// option ruby_namespace is missing, which is also inconsistent.

Correct code for this rule:

In foo.proto:

// Correct.
syntax = "proto3";

package google.example.v1;

option csharp_namespace = "Google\\Example\\V1";
option ruby_namespace = "Google::Example::V1";

In bar.proto:

// Correct.
syntax = "proto3";

package google.example.v1;

import "foo.proto";

option csharp_namespace = "Google\\Example\\V1";
option ruby_namespace = "Google::Example::V1";


If you need to violate this rule, use a comment at the top of the file. Remember to also include an comment explaining why.

// (-- api-linter: core::0191::file-option-consistency=disabled
// We need to do this because reasons. --)
syntax = "proto3";

package google.example.v1;

import "foo.proto";

option csharp_namespace = "Example\\V1";