Deprecated comments

This rule enforces that every element marked with the protobuf deprecated option has "Deprecated: <reason>" as the first line in the public leading comment, as mandated in AIP-192.


This rule looks at each descriptor in each proto file, and complains if the protobuf deprecated option is set to true, but the first line of the public comment does not begin with “Deprecated: “.


Incorrect code for this rule:

// A library service.
service Library {
  // Incorrect.
  // Retrieves a book.
  rpc GetBook(GetBookRequest) returns (Book) {
    option deprecated = true;

Correct code for this rule:

// A library service.
service Library {
  // Deprecated: Please borrow a physical book instead.
  // Correct.
  // Retrieves a book.
  rpc GetBook(GetBookRequest) returns (Book) {
    option deprecated = true;


If you need to violate this rule, use a leading comment above the descriptor. Remember to also include an comment explaining why.

// A library service.
service Library {
  // (-- api-linter: core::0192::deprecated-comment=disabled
  // We need to do this because reasons. --)
  // Incorrect.
  // Retrieves a book.
  rpc GetBook(GetBookRequest) returns (Book) {
    option deprecated = true;